![the binding of isaac story Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness - Northernlion Plays - Episode 30 [Transformed]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/V5CKLxPbYdM/maxresdefault.jpg)
Hello, I am playing Darkest Dungeon, for the first time, again (again!). Come watch me ACTUALLY beat a campaign for REAL this time, I promise it from the depths of my soul.
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About this game:
Darkest Dungeon is a challenging gothic roguelike turn-based RPG about the psychological stresses of adventuring.
Recruit, train, and lead a team of flawed heroes through twisted forests, forgotten warrens, ruined crypts, and beyond. You'll battle not only unimaginable foes, but stress, famine, disease, and the ever-encroaching dark. Uncover strange mysteries, and pit the heroes against an array of fearsome monsters with an innovative strategic turn-based combat system.
the binding of isaac story Darkest Dungeon: The Color of Madness - Northernlion Plays - Episode 30 [Transformed] | |
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35,105 views views | 805K followers |
Gaming | Upload TimePublished on 15 Aug 2018 |
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